swiffyslider.js: Light and full-featured slider
Powerfull but also lightweight modern carousel-slider plugin. Easily customizable for all use cases and technical stacks
Responsive Video Poster
Take control of video placeholders with a responsive image and full styling control.
Tiny UI Toggle
Toggle the state of a UI element to easily create components e.g. collapse, accordion, tabs, dropdown, dialog/modal.
Priority Nav Scroller: Plugin for the priority+ navigation pattern
When navigation items don't fit on screen they are hidden and can be scrolled into view or using controls.
Direction Reveal: Direction aware content reveals
Detects the direction a user enters or leaves an element allowing you to reveal or hide content based on this direction.
Tom Select: A powerful custom multiselect
A versatile, flexible and expandable select control library
LetMeScroll.js: Scroll made easy
LetMeScroll is a dependency-free Javascript library that makes Scroll easier to use and customize.
lax.js: Powerful parallax engine
A very complete but flexible library to create parallax animations depending of mouse position, time of day and of course scroll.
A lightweight and elegant JavaScript color picker. Written in vanilla ES6, no dependencies. Accessible.
FilePond: Upload anything, from anywhere
A JavaScript library that can upload anything you throw at it, optimizes images for faster uploads, and offers a great, accessible, silky smooth user experience.
Luge: A easy-to-use animation plugin
Luge is a powerful but easy-to-use declarative animation library with a big ecosystem of plugins.
anime.js: A animation engine
Anime.js is a lightweight animation library with a simple, yet powerful API. It works with CSS properties, SVG, DOM attributes and JavaScript Objects.
Sticky-js: Set sticky elements
Sticky-js is a simple library for set sticky elements. It's also responsive.
apexcharts.js: Chart with simple API
A modern JavaScript charting library to build interactive charts and visualizations with simple API.
Glide: Modern ES6 slider and carousel
Glide.js is a dependency-free JavaScript ES6 slider and carousel.