Feature.js: Browser feature detection
Feature.js is a browser feature detection library that makes it easier to progressively enhance your web app.
Fabric.js: HTML canvas library
Fabric.js allows you to manipulate canvas elements via drag & drop, free drawing, touch events and more.
EQCSS.js: Element queries
EQCSS.js is CSS @media queries on steroids. EQCSS.js vastly improves your control over CSS with @element queries.
Embed.js: Embed media from text string
Embed.js converts standard text strings into embedded media on the fly. Embed.js supports Emojis, SoundCloud, Spotify, Twitter, Github, Markdown and more.
Elevator.js: Scroll top library
Elevator.js is a satisfying scroll top library that gracefully plays elevator music as it returns you to the top of the page.
Dynamics.js: Animation library
Dynamics.js is an animation library packaged with default easings such as spring, bounce and gravity.
Dropzone.js: Drag & drop uploads
Dropzone.js is a drag and drop style frontend file uploader with upload progress and file previews.
Dragula.js: Drag and drop library
Dragula.js is a nifty little drag & drop library useful for re-ordering lists vertically and horizontally.
DialogModal.js: Modal windows
DialogModal.js is a simple accessibility focused modal window library from the team at Frend.
DateFns.js: Date functions
DateFns.js is a date utility library with support for functions such as isPast, distanceInWordsToNow and differenceInDays.
Custombox.js: Modal windows
Custombox.js is a modal window library bundled with neat CSS transitions.
ContentTools.js: WYSIWYG text editor
ContentTools.js is a customizable content editor with support to modify content blocks throughout your web page.
Clusterize.js: Optimize large data sets
Clusterize.js is library that efficiently optimizes your data when dealing with large lists of data in the DOM.
Cleave.js: Format Input text
Cleave.js formats form inputs on the fly and really shines when it comes to credit card, phone number and date fields.
Chartist.js: Responsive charts
Chartist.js is an animatable responsive chart library that utilizes and renders SVG's.
Chart.js: Responsive charts
Chart.js is an animatable responsive chart library that utilizes and renders HTML5 Canvas.
BWIP.js: Barcode generator
BWIP.js (Barcode Writer in Pure Javascript) is a barcode generator with support for over 90 types and standards.
Bricks.js: Masonry layout
Bricks.js is a super fast responsive masonry layout generator with only the essentials.
Bounce.js: Transition animation library
Bounce.js is a CSS powered transition library by Tictail. Choose from masterfully pre-programmed effects like jelly, splat and smack.